Susanne Kimm
I studied political science at the University of Vienna and graduated in 2007. From 2005-2007, I was working at the National Student’s Union in the field of feminist politics. During that time I participated in the organization of the Women’s Spring University in Vienna 2007 as well as the planning of the lecture series Gendered Subjects VI: Freiheit und Geschlecht – Offene Beziehungen, Prekäre Verhältnisse (University of Vienna). In 2003, I started to learn Austrian Sign Language, and in my diploma thesis I examined the identity politics of the Austrian Deaf community. After graduation I worked part-time at the Austrian National Association of the Deaf and additionally participated in two research projects (VEIL; LAF) as well as started working on the topic of trafficking in women.
Email: susanne.kimm [at] univie.ac.at
Phone: + 43 (0) 1 4277 - 49470
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universitätsstr. 7
A-1010 Vienna