Elisabeth Holzleithner
Born 1970 (Baden/Wien, Austria), received her Ph.D in Law from the University of Vienna, where she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture. Her research interests include legal gender studies, pluralism and its legal management by tolerance, neutrality or multiculturalism and theories of justice. Her publications, lectures and research projects continuously focus on legal gender issues, liberalism and critical legal studies.
She has received several prizes, among them the Gabriele Possanner Sponsorship for Scientific Achievements advancing Gender Democracy in Austria. She was a guest professor at the University of Zurich in the winter term of 2006/07 and at the University of Graz in the winter term 2001/02. She teaches in the European Studies Master Program of the University of Vienna, the Gender Master Program at the University of Zurich and at the Rosa Mayreder-College. She also regularly conducts gender sensitivity trainings for diverse target groups such as university executives or female junior faculty. For seven years (1994-2001) she was the head of the Working Group on Equal Treatment at the University of Vienna.
Email: elisabeth.holzleithner[at]univie.ac.at
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universitätsstr. 7
A-1010 Wien