Eva Flicker
Born 1963 in Wien/Austria, is associate professor of sociology at the Institute of Sociology, University Vienna. She received her master degree in sociology in 1991, her PhD in sociology in 1997 and achieved her habilitation in 2006, all at University of Vienna.
Her fields of research comprise sociology of communication in different aspects: media, film and communication, communication in teams and organizations, group dynamics and career trainings for female scientists and visual sociology.
She was active member of the Center for Gender Equality and Equal Treatment from 1999-2006 and is still member of the faculty conference for the Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Vienna. Since 2008 she is study programme director for the master in gender studies at University Vienna.
Her two daughters were born in 1992 and 1994.
Email: eva.flicker[at]univie.ac.at
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universitätsstr. 7
A-1010 Wien